Friday, September 19, 2008

Me at Work

Now that I am on maternity leave, I have blogged all my sessions up to this point, so I will probably be blogging some random things. At least until Baby 2 makes his or her appereance and I bombard you with baby pictures. lol. So today, you get "me at work" lol. You can tell I like to either stand on things or lay on the ground to take pictures. and um, i am pregnant in all these pictures. So that is why I look a bit....larger....than normal :)

image courtesy of kate crafton photography

courtesy of kim youra photography

courtesy of kristin knudson photography

courtesy of miriah dobbs

courtesy of sierra dobbs

and just an update is Baby #2 is due Monday! He or she is feeling comfy in there, so I am not sure if we will be meeting our baby before then. But I hope so! Send us all you "labor soon" prayers and good thoughts please!!! ;)


Kristin Knudson said...

How funny that you have so many pictures of you doing the thing you do best! I guess we're all just in awe of you and the ways you tend to contort your body. :)

Andrea said...

Wow ... that's dedication! I love seeing you behind the scenes :)

Unknown said...

I have seen you in all of those places while shooting some of my favorite moments from our enagement to wedding to TTD! I think that's what makes you unique and an amzing photog! Fingers are crossed that Baby will want to meet the world in the next couple days! Best of luck and can't wait to see the first pics of the new bundle of sweetness!

Kate said...

Ohhhh I can't wait! Thinking of you and that little one!