Monday, January 28, 2008

The Friske Family

I had so much fun with the Friske family. They were great! Thanks for having me over! Here is a small sneak peek for you guys!

this one makes me laugh. i don't have a sister, but it screams sisterhood to me lol.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Melissa and Robert---The Wedding

Melissa and Rob are a FABULOUS couple. They really are. I loved being in Baltimore for their wedding, and meeting them. I can't say enough about the whole wedding. SO, I will just post a bunch of pictures instead.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Not too many brides will let me take pictures of them in their dress around town the night before their wedding. But Melissa did! It was AWESOME! She was up for ANYTHING. She wasn't worried about getting her dress dirty or anything. And I think it was well worth it. We had a ton of fun and got some really fun shots! Here are just a few for you Melissa! (wedding shots coming soon!)

Modern Day Cinderella: